Ready to have a blast this summer? IXL’s annual Study in the Sun Contest is the perfect start to an exciting summer vacation. Take the opportunity to gain new knowledge and earn the ultimate prize: a choice of an iPad or a $330 VISA gift card!
The contest will have three grade bands (grade ranges): PreK-4th, 5th-8th, and 9th-12th. The three students in each grade band (nine students total) who answer the most IXL questions correctly between June 10-August 4 will claim the prize.
We’ll share leaderboards with the top 20 students in each grade band on the IXL blog on June 28 and July 19. Winners will be announced on August 12 and will be notified by email.
Ready to jump into a summer of learning? Participating students must be registered by a parent or teacher by August 4, and you can sign up here starting May 14!
Check out a brief summary of the contest rules and FAQs below! If you have any other questions, please email us at
Contest Rules
For more information, please read the full contest rules.
Eligibility: All participating students must register online by August 4 at Students must be registered by their parent (if on a family membership) or their teacher (if on a school account). Eligible registrations should include an accurate IXL username–—IXL is not responsible for incorrect or incomplete registrations. Students must be part of an active IXL site, classroom, or family account. Trial members are not eligible. Students must be registered under the grade range that accurately reflects the grade level they are in for the 2024-25 school year. Only results from one account will be tallied for each student—results from multiple accounts cannot be combined. Each participating student must have their own username.
How to register: For children on a family account, the child’s parent or legal guardian must sign into IXL and go to the registration form to sign up their child. For students on a classroom, school, or district account, the student’s teacher must sign in to IXL and go to the registration form to sign up the student.
Determination of winners: IXL will select the top 3 students from each grade range (PK-4, 5-8, and 9-12) who have answered the most questions correctly on IXL between June 10, 2024, at 12:01 am (PDT) and August 4, 2024, at 11:59 pm (PDT). Winners will be announced on or about August 12, 2024 on the IXL Blog and will be notified by email.
- Questions in all subjects on the student’s subscription will be counted. Questions completed as part of a trial will not be eligible. Questions answered in the Diagnostic arena, Group Jams, or Quizzes are not eligible.
- For students in grades PK-4, questions answered in all grade levels will be counted. For students in grades 5-8, only questions from grade 3 and above are eligible. For students in grades 9-12, only questions in grade 7 and above will be counted.
- Skills that are repeated after they have been mastered (SmartScore of 100) once during the contest period will not be counted. No more than 50 total questions answered (whether answered correctly or incorrectly) by a student in a single skill (prior to reaching a score of 100) will be eligible. No more than 500 total questions answered (whether answered correctly or incorrectly) per day by a student will be eligible.
- In the event of a tie, the student with the higher percentage of correct answers will win. If a second tiebreaker is needed, the student with the higher number of skills mastered will win.
- This contest is intended to encourage students to practice and gain confidence in their skills. Any practice that does not conform to the spirit of the contest will be eliminated at IXL’s discretion.
Prize: Each winner will have the choice to receive a 64GB iPad® or $330 VISA gift card. To receive a prize, the entrant must be in compliance with the official rules as solely determined by IXL. In the event a winner is determined not to be in compliance, the prize otherwise due that winner may be awarded to the next eligible entrant.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do parents/teachers have to register students?
Data security and student privacy are some of our highest priorities at IXL Learning, and this registration process ensures that IXL is compliant with FERPA and COPPA policies regarding student privacy.
How do I check the total number of questions I have attempted?
Sign in to your IXL account and visit the “Usage Details” report, which can be found by clicking on the “Analytics” tab. You can also find it by visiting Once you reach this report, select “custom date range” and set it for June 10 and the current date. Then, select the subject(s) you practiced and set the appropriate grade levels if needed.
How do I check the number of questions I’ve answered correctly?
The “Usage Details” report is also helpful for getting a sense of the number of questions you’ve answered correctly. Once you’ve set the “custom date range” for June 10 and the current date, you’ll see a rundown of all the questions you’ve answered. Beneath the name of the skill, there will be a row of information that includes the number of questions answered and questions missed.
Are problems for all subjects counted?
Yes, practice in all subjects (math, language arts, science, social studies, and Spanish) on your subscription will be counted. However, we will not count practice in subjects for which you have a trial.
Are questions from the Real-Time Diagnostic, universal screener, Group Jams, or Quizzes counted?
No, questions answered in the Diagnostic arena, Group Jams, or Quizzes do not count toward the contest. However, students are welcome to visit their Recommendations wall and practice the “From the diagnostic arena” skills found there—those will count!
Is practice counted starting June 10 or starting from when I registered?
Practice will be counted starting June 10, no matter the date you registered—just make sure you register your child or student at by the August 4 deadline!
Will you be posting rankings so we can see where we stand in the competition?
We will be sharing leaderboards on the IXL blog and on our Facebook page on June 28 and July 19. (Due to the large number of entries, we do not send individual updates on contest progress.) Winners will be announced on August 12 and will be notified by email.
Will IXL count questions for previously mastered skills?
If the skills were mastered prior to the start of the contest, students can go back and practice them again, and those questions will count toward this contest. However, after a student masters a skill during the contest period, any further practice on that skill will not count.
Will questions practiced outside of the student’s grade level be counted?
We encourage students to practice above or below grade level, and we want them to know that it’s okay to make mistakes and learn from them. For students in grades PK-4, questions in all grade levels will be counted. For students in grades 5-8, only questions from grade 3 and above are counted, while students in grades 9-12 must practice in grade 7 or above.
Will IXL count incorrectly answered questions?
Incorrectly answered questions will count towards a student’s 500 question daily limit but winners will be determined based on who has the highest number of eligible questions answered correctly during the contest period. (Additionally, up to 50 questions answered by one student in a single skill prior to reaching a SmartScore of 100 will be counted.) Incorrectly answered questions will not factor into the determination of winners unless a tiebreaker is needed; in that case, the entrant with the higher percentage of correctly answered eligible questions will win.
I have students/children in different grade ranges. How do I sign them all up for the contest?
You can register students one grade range at a time! Sign in to your teacher or parent account, fill out the registration form for all students in one grade range, and submit. Then, refresh the page and fill out another form for students in the other grade range.
If you have any other questions, please email us at